Sauna zuhause Design Altholz corso 1 | corso saunamanufaktur

Wellness at home

Indoor sauna, infrared, steam bath & co.
Inspiration + references

What are you looking for?

sauna zuhause hell corso 29 | corso saunamanufaktur

Sauna line: NORDLICHT >
Scandinavian. Originally. [from 12.900 €]

corso Design Sauna | corso saunamanufaktur

Sauna line: PURE >
Purist. Straight design. [from 17.900 €]

designsauna glas corso 17 | corso saunamanufaktur

Sauna Line: LOUNGE >
Timeless. Elegant. [from 19.900 €]

Sauna zuhause Design Altholz corso 4 | corso saunamanufaktur

Sauna line: CHALET >
Alpine chic with reclaimed wood. [from 24.900 €]

premium dampfbad corso 1 | corso saunamanufaktur

100% humidity. [from 19.900 €]

sauna für zuhause glasfront infrarot corso 5 | corso saunamanufaktur

Infrared cabin INFRARED >
Recovery through deep heat. [from 5.399 €]

sauna kaufen ausstellungssauna | corso saunamanufaktur

Exhibition sauna OFFERS > and sauna models that can be ordered immediately (“fix and ready”)

Sauna exhibition. Professional advice directly at the sauna manufacturer.

Inspiration & advice.

CORSO 5013 w ma beratung | corso saunamanufaktur

Which sauna is right for me…?

What “sauna type” are you? Here you will find all the information about the different kinds of sauna: Finnish sauna, bio sauna, infrared cabin, infrared sauna, steam bath, hammam… DIFFERENT SAUNA TYPES >

CORSO 5013 s empfehlung | corso saunamanufaktur
Satisfied clients
Our corso sauna is an all-round perfect gem.
Martin T., Bitburg

A great sense of design.

Why corso…? Because we don’t just plan, we build your project with 100 % passion. Talk to us and we will infect you with our passion for saunas.

Icon Corso w messen | corso saunamanufaktur

Tailor-made unique pieces.

Icon Corso w design | corso saunamanufaktur

A great sense of design.

Icon Corso w like | corso saunamanufaktur

Craftsmanship with heart / soul.

Icon Corso w mitarbeiter | corso saunamanufaktur

Service & assembly.

Icon Corso w empfehlung | corso saunamanufaktur

Personal consultation.

Icon Corso w holz | corso saunamanufaktur

Best sauna woods.

Indoor sauna for home

For more than 50 years, corso has been creating new sauna ideas, so you can choose from many creative solutions. We manufacture your high-quality indoor sauna or steam bath as desired with optimal use of the room. Whether it’s a sloping roof or a corner sauna – we plan and build your personal sauna dream. All custom-made indoor saunas are “made in Germany”. From the classic sauna to the high-quality design sauna, we offer you a broad portfolio to realize the right solution for every builder and every construction project.

Individual advice

You have a previously unused room in your own four walls and would like to install an indoor sauna? Or replace an existing sauna with a more elegant, new design sauna? No problem! We find the ideal way to perfect your private sauna enjoyment.
