Sauna shipbuilding

Yacht with sauna ship expansion

Sauna for ships + yacht fittings

Of course we would like to show you some of our most beautiful references from the field of shipbuilding and yacht fittings. But we are not allowed to do so because of non-disclosure agreements. For many years, however, we have been working with ship outfitters with confidence and intensity.

Icon Corso w design | corso saunamanufaktur

High-end: Luxury sauna for shipbuilding

The main reasons for our success in this segment: we have successfully adapted to the highly demanding processes in shipbuilding: from the very intensive, detailed preliminary planning to the assembly at the shipyard: as a well-coordinated team, we react flexibly to any changes in the schedule and face up to the challenges on site: from the high safety precautions to the tightness on the ship/yacht to the cooperation of many nationalities. Benefit from our 50 years of experience – with new design ideas all the time!

Together with you, we create a luxurious sauna unique for your demanding customers: we also realize the most unusual ideas to round off your project with a unique sauna furniture. If you are planning a ship or yacht project, we look forward to hearing in-a-face discussion with you.

CORSO 5013 s beratungsgespraech | corso saunamanufaktur
Personal consulting
We take a lot of time to give you the best advice – so that everything runs smoothly and becomes perfect.
Benedictus Lingens, corso sauna manufaktur

A great sense of design.

Why corso…? Because we don’t just plan, we build your project with 100 % passion. Talk to us and we will infect you with our passion for saunas.

Icon Corso w messen | corso saunamanufaktur

Tailor-made unique pieces.

Icon Corso w design | corso saunamanufaktur

A great sense of design.

Icon Corso w like | corso saunamanufaktur

Craftsmanship with heart / soul.

Icon Corso w mitarbeiter | corso saunamanufaktur

Service & assembly.

Icon Corso w empfehlung | corso saunamanufaktur

Personal consultation.

Icon Corso w holz | corso saunamanufaktur

Best sauna woods.


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Sauna Manufactory

Our passion is the design and construction of stunning sauna projects. But what is special about corso? Take a look behind the scenes…
